Welcome to the Zerorez® Cleaning Store™! We have some great products here to make your life easier! Add to your cart, pay with any major credit card or PayPal, and we will deliver them to you within 3 business days*!
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ZEROREZĀ® Gift Cards

Zerorez® eGift Cards make a great gift for the clean nut in your life! Also great for giving to your co-workers, friends, or anyone else who might need... a little help! Choose from $25, $50, $100, and $200, or any combination you want. These gift cards are honored by Zerorez® Boise, and no other franchise. These cards are good for Zerorez® Boise or Zerorez® Idaho Falls locations. They can be used on any service or product, excluding sales tax. These are purchased through Square, you have the security and knowledge of what you have remaining on your card if you don't use all of it! And you can take it anywhere and not lose it! Great for gifts or pre-purchasing your cleaning for the year.

Take me to Square to buy my cards!

ZerorezĀ® Zrā„¢ Water Multi-Surface Cleanerā„¢

Zerorez® Zrā„¢ Water Multi-Surface Cleaning Fluid™ is a fantastic cleaning solution to keep your family healthy and safe. Not only does Zerorez® Cleaner cleaner cut through grease and grime, it leaves No ResidueĀ®! Leaving no sticky residue, your home's surfaces stay cleaner longer, too! Safe for windows, mirrors, granite, stone, tile, wood, linoleum, and works great to get spots out of your carpet and microfiber furniture.

32oz Spray Bottle - $20

1 Gallon Jug - $35

Monthly Subscription - $30 (Save $5 per gallon!)

Get One Gallon of our patented Zero ResidueĀ® Multi-Surface Cleaner delivered monthly to your door!

BioProtect Hand Sanitizer - $14

Now you can protect your hands with amazing technology! Instead of hand sanitizer leaving your hands dry and smelling like a distillery, your skin is left soft and odor free, and protected for the next 6 hours. Two to three pumps is all you need to keep you protected while working or doing your day to day chores. Alcohol, paraben and sulfate free, our hand sanitizer gives your hand extended protection on your hands.

Convenient 1.7 oz travel size available. 60-86 applications per bottle (2-3 squirts per application)

Larger sizes will be available once we can get dispensers

Microfiber Mop and Cleaning Kit - $79.95

Microfiber is one of the most effective cleaning fabrics available, and our Microfiber Mop and Cleaning Kit is specifically designed to help you maintain your home's hard surfaces. Sweeping and mopping your floors has never been easier or more effective than with this kit. It also includes premium Microfiber cloths for cleaning your counters, mirrors, windows, or other surfaces.

The kit includes one microfiber mop hardware kit, one dust mopping pad, one wet scrub pad for mopping, 4 microfiber cloths, and instructions for use. Also included is a 32oz bottle of our Zrā„¢ Water Cleaning Solution.

ZerorezĀ® Spot Removerā„¢ - $15

Sometimes tough spot need a tough spot remover! Zerorez® Spot Remover™ is a safe but effective way of removing even the toughest of spots. Using proprietary, non-residue technology, our spot remover is the closest thing to a professional grade spot removal system we can offer! CRI approved, Zerorez® tested!

ZerorezĀ® Premium Electrostatic Air Filter - $129

Our Premium Electrostatic Air Filter is the last air filter you will need to buy! Made from durable polymer material, its patented design stage loads dust and debris, making it easier than ever to clean. Comparable to top performing paper filters, our filter also has a lifetime guarantee!

ZerorezĀ® Air Purifier - $1395

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been listed as one of the top 5 public health risks by the EPA. The air inside your home or office may actually be dirtier than the air outside!
The Zerorez® Air Purifier is listed by the FDA as a Class II Medical Device, because it is so effective at removing dust, pollen, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's), and will eliminate 99.8% of bacteria, viruses, molds, and fungi from the air.
Each unit will clean roughly 1500 sq ft of office or home space.

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