How to Remove Paint From Carpet


Welcome to Zerorez®'s ultimate guide on cleaning paint out of your carpet. Whether it's a spill during a DIY project or an accidental drip, paint stains can be tough to remove. But don't panic! We're here to answer your most pressing questions and offer natural cleaning solutions when a paint spill happens.

Does Paint Come Out of Carpet?

Yes, paint can come out of carpet, but the success of removal depends on the type of paint, whether it's wet or dry, and how quickly you act. Wet paint is much easier to clean, while dried paint requires more effort. The key is to treat the spill promptly using the right cleaning techniques.

Types of Paint and Residue Left Behind:

  • Water-Based Paints (Latex or Acrylic): These are easier to clean, especially when wet. They leave behind water-soluble pigments that can usually be treated with water-based solutions.

  • Oil-Based Paints: Oil-based paints are more stubborn due to their oily residue, which doesn't mix with water. These require natural degreasers like white vinegar or lemon juice to help lift the stain.

  • Wet Paint: Wet paint can leave deep stains and spread easily if not treated properly.

  • Dried Paint: Dried paint creates a crusty, solid residue that bonds to carpet fibers, making removing it more difficult.

Removing Paint From Carpet

How to Remove Wet Paint from Carpet?

Working with wet paint can be tough since it is more likely to spread. Being gentle is key. Start by gathering:

  • 2-3 clean cloths or paper towels

  • A spray bottle

  • Distilled white vinegar

  • Warm water

Here's what we recommend for water and oil-based paint spots:

  • Blot, Don't Rub: Begin by blotting up as much of the wet paint as possible with a clean white towel or paper towel.

  • Natural Cleaning Solution: Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the affected area and blot gently with a fresh cloth to get paint off the carpet.

  • Repeat as Necessary: Rinse the area with clean water and blot dry. Repeat the process until the paint is completely removed.

How Do You Remove Dried Paint from Carpet?

While wet paint runs the risk of spreading, dried paint is usually caked onto your carpet fibers. It might take a little more work to remove this paint from the carpet. Begin by gathering:

  • A butter knife or other blunt tool

  • 2-3 clean cloths or paper towels

  • A spray bottle

  • Distilled white vinegar

  • Warm water

  • Baking soda

We suggest starting by:

  • Scraping Away Dried Paint: Gently scrape off as much dried paint as possible using a butter knife or a similar tool.

  • Softening the Paint: Apply a solution of equal parts vinegar and warm water to the dried paint to soften it.

  • Using Baking Soda Paste: Create a paste with baking soda and water, apply it to the paint, and let it sit for 15-30 minutes. This helps break down the dried paint.

  • Blotting the Area: After letting the paste sit, blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove the paint.

  • Repeating as Needed: Rinse with water and repeat the process if necessary.

Troubleshooting Tips for Carpet Paint Stains:

  • Act Fast: The quicker you can address the paint spill, the better chance you have of fully removing the stain.

  • Blot, Don't Rub: Rubbing can spread the paint and push it deeper into carpet fibers, making the stain worse.

  • Avoid Heat: Do not use hot water or hair dryers on paint stains, as heat can set the paint and make removal more difficult.

  • Test Before Use: Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the carpet to ensure it won't cause damage.

Zerorez Can Help with Paint on Carpets

Sometimes, DIY methods simply aren't enough to tackle paint on carpet, so it's time to hire a professional. Zerorez specializes in identifying and treating tough household spots, including stubborn paint stains.

Whether you're dealing with wet or dried paint, our non-toxic cleaning solutions and advanced techniques can tackle stubborn spots without damaging your carpet. Our professional carpet cleaning services are designed to leave your carpets looking fresh and clean, free from sticky residues.

By following the steps in this guide and using natural cleaning solutions, you can effectively remove paint from your carpet. But if the paint stain or residues persists, Zerorez is here to help with professional spot removal services. For other common spot-cleaning tips, check out our Zerorez Spotting Guide!

Say goodbye to stubborn stains, and schedule your Zerorez cleaning today. Let us take care of your toughest household spots!

How to Protect Your Carpet When Painting

There are plenty of reasons that paint winds up on carpet, but we often see people run into problems when sprucing up the paint on their walls. Luckily, avoiding paint spills is much easier than getting it out of your carpet.

Next time you have a paint project, begin by gathering:

  • Painter's tape

  • Painter's plastic

That's it! All you have to do is lay down the plastic before you tape off the edges. Not only will you get cleaner lines, but you'll also end up with a clean carpet at the end of it!

Paint Removal 

Follow Basic Steps 1, 2, 3, 4. Repeat as necessary.