How to Remove Various Chocolate Stains & Odors from Carpet
Chocolate is a great treat until it melts on your carpet and becomes difficult to remove. Tannins and oil, chocolate's main components, make removing it from the carpet fibers challenging. How do you get chocolate out of carpet?
- Respond quickly; the longer you take to fix the stain, the tougher it becomes to remove it.
- Scrape or blot excess stains with a dull knife or paper towel, respectively
- Determine the carpet fabric to know the best cleaning solution to use
- Spot check to determine the safety of the cleaning solution
- Clean the carpet, rinse, and allow to dry
Chocolate will come from the carpet only if you use the recommended cleaning procedure and solutions. Keep reading as I walk you through the requirements and cleaning procedure.
What Gets Chocolate Out of Carpet?
As previously mentioned, chocolate contains two major components:
- Oil
- Tannins
Tannins are found in red grapes, tea, chocolate, coffee, and many other plants. They cause the red or dark brown stains left behind by chocolate, coffee, and wine. These stains are not hard to deal with; you can use cold water to remove them.
Chocolate could contain a high quantity of vegetable oil or natural cocoa butter, depending on its quality. This type of stain may be hard to deal with, so use warm water and detergent.
Based on your preferences and carpet type, here are some of the best options to fix chocolate carpet stains.
- White vinegar
- Baking soda
- Non-bleach laundry detergent
- Dish soap
- Commercial stain removers
- Rubbing alcohol
- Lemon juice
- Ammonia
- Hydrogen peroxide (use on white carpets only as it contains a bleaching agent)

How Do You Get Chocolate Out of Carpet?
Since chocolate stains are oily, you can use warm water instead of cold water and then follow the steps to fix the stained area. If you are dealing with carpet spots, refer to our comprehensive spotting guide.
Step 1: Respond Quickly
Like all other stains, dry stains are challenging to fix. Responding fast increases the chances of completely removing the stain quickly.
Step 2: Scrape Excess Stain With a Dull Knife
Use a spoon or a dull knife to lift as much stain as possible. Avoid rubbing the stain, as it could penetrate the carpet fibers.
Work from outside the chocolate stain inwards to avoid making it larger. Keep wiping the knife or spoon to prevent the removed chocolate from smearing on the carpet fibers.
Use a paper towel to collect the removed chocolate.
For melted chocolate, place an ice cube in a plastic bag on the stain for about two minutes to harden it. This makes it easy to scrape it using a spoon or a dull knife.
Step 3. Determine the Carpet Type
There are various types of carpet materials, including Berber, nylon, and Olefin, which explains why there are different carpet cleaning methods.
If, for example, you're cleaning a synthetic carpet, use water and dish soap. You can also combine water and vinegar to fix a stubborn chocolate stain. If you don't have vinegar, try using shampoo and water to remove the stain from the synthetic carpet.
Use carpet detergent, vinegar, water, and ammonia for natural fibers.
Don't take the risk if you're unsure what material you're dealing with. Contact a professional, such as Zerorez®, for advice on how to clean chocolate stain on carpet. Incorrect choice of carpet cleaning method could make the stain permanent, damage the carpet, or leave a worse mark than what you were dealing with.
Step 4: Spot Check to Determine the Safety of the Cleaning Solution
Before cleaning the area, do a patch test, preferably on an area sitting under the couch, to know if your chosen cleaning solution is safe for your carpet type.
Wait 10 to 20 minutes to see the effects. If you notice browning or a color change, rinse off the area using cold water and contact a professional carpet cleaner for help. Below, I've discussed how to clean chocolate stains from synthetic and natural carpet fiber using different procedures.
How to Clean Chocolate Stains on Wool Carpets and Other Natural Fibers
What you need:
- Liquid dishwashing detergent
- Lukewarm water
- Spray bottle
- White paper towel
- Spoon or dull knife
- White vinegar
- Ammonia solution
- Use a spoon or a dull knife to remove the solid/excess chocolate residue.
- Mix 1 tsp. dishwashing detergent with a cup of lukewarm water.
- Put the solution in a spray bottle and spray a generous amount on the stained area.
- Use paper towels or a clean white cloth to blot the area.
- If the chocolate stain is persistent, use ammonia: Properly ventilate your room and wear a mask, then combine 1 tsp ammonia with Ā½ cup lukewarm water and put in a spray bottle
- Spray the area and blot using a cloth or paper towel.
- Combine Ā¼ cup white vinegar and Ā¼ cup cold water and rinse the area to neutralize the ammonia smell.
- Tap dry the area using white microfiber cloth or paper towels.
- Air dry and inspect the area
- Repeat if necessary, or hire carpet cleaning experts.
How to Clean Chocolate Stains on Nylon Carpets and Other Synthetic Fibers
- Water
- Dish soap
- Paper towels or a clean microfiber cloth
- White vinegar
- Mix Ā¼ tsp of any dish soap detergent with 1 cup lukewarm water in a spray bottle.
- Lightly spray the area and blot using a paper towel or a microfiber cloth.
- Wait 15 to 20 minutes for the solution to dissolve the chocolate stain.
- Dip a towel in cold, plain water and dab the area to remove soap residue.
- Tap dry the excess moisture using a microfiber cloth or paper towel to prevent mold and mildew growth.
- Inspect the surface; repeat the process if necessary, or get an expert to do the job.
Option Two
- Mix one part vinegar and two parts water.
- Dip a clean microfiber cloth into the solution and blot the chocolate stain, or use a spray bottle to generously spray the solution.
- Allow the solution to sit for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
- Dampen another microfiber cloth with lukewarm water and rinse out the solution.
- Properly ventilate the room and allow the carpet to dry for inspection.
- Contact an expert in carpet cleaning if the stain is stubborn. We can for sure get chocolate candy bars stains out of carpet!
How to Get Dried Chocolate Out of Carpet
A dried chocolate stain is a little more difficult than a fresh one because it will have soaked into the carpet fibers and attached itself to them.
- Water
- Baking soda
- White vinegar
- Pour enough baking soda to cover the dried chocolate stain entirely.
- Mix white vinegar and cold water in a ratio of 1:1 and put it into a spray bottle.
- Mix thoroughly and spray the solution on the area covered with baking soda to make the stain-removal process more effective.
- Allow at least 15 minutes for the carpet fibers to absorb the solution.
- Use a dry white towel or paper towels to blot (avoid rubbing as that spreads the stain) the area.
- Allow fresh air into the room for quick drying.
- Inspect the area. Repeat the process if the stain is still there.
- Vacuum or sweep any excess baking powder if the stain is gone.

How to Get Chocolate Syrup Out of Carpet
Chocolate syrup is a delicious food but quite annoying when it accidentally spills on the carpet. This creates an ugly mess that can sometimes be a pain to remove, especially after it dries up. Here are the requirements and a few simple steps to remove chocolate syrup from the carpet.
- Gloves
- Oxiclean (don't use on silk, leather, or wool carpets)
- Dull knife or spoon
- Paper towels or white cloth
- If the chocolate syrup is dry, use a spoon or dull knife to gently scrape as much as possible without damaging the carpet.
- For fresh chocolate syrup, blot as much as possible using a white microfiber cloth or paper towel.
- Next, spray Oxiclean (or other oxygen bleach) for chocolate stain on carpet and allow it to sit for 10 minutes to penetrate the carpet fibers and completely dissolve the stain.
- Blot the area using a color-fast sponge or towel and let the area air dry for inspection.
- If you're cleaning a wool, silk, or wool carpet or rug, avoid Oxiclean. Instead, add 1 tsp of non-bleach laundry or mild detergent, such as Dawn, to 4 cups of warm water and mix thoroughly. Apply the solution to the affected area using a sponge or a spraying bottle, and allow it to sit for at least 15 minutes to weaken the stain.
- Blot (don't rub) the area using paper towels or a white microfiber cloth until the stain is gone
- Dip a clean sponge in plain water and use it to remove the stain and soap residue.
- Blot excess moisture using paper towels or clean rags and allow to air dry.
- Repeat the process if there are traces of stains or hire professional cleaners.
Will Chocolate Milk Stain on Carpets Be Permanent?
Chocolate milk stains are not permanent, so they will come out of the carpet if you respond quickly and use effective cleaning solutions. If not acted upon quickly, a chocolate milk stain on carpet can be difficult to deal with. The same applies to a chocolate milkshake stain on carpet.
If you're using a commercial cleaning product, always follow the cleaning instructions to avoid damaging your carpet.
Test your cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area before cleaning the affected area(s).

How Do You Remove Chocolate Milk Stains?
- Dish soap
- Cold water
- Sponge, microfiber towels, or paper towels
- Baking soda
- Add Ā¼ tsp of dish soap in 1 cup of water and mix thoroughly to make foam.
- Dip a sponge into the solution and gently dab the affected area. To make the soap solution more effective, sprinkle 1 tsp of baking soda directly on the area.
- Let the baking soda sit for 30 to 60 minutes to dissolve the stain.
- Dip a sponge in plain water and rinse the area to remove residue.
- Use wet towels or clean rags to blot the area to absorb as much moisture as possible.
- Allow the surface to air dry completely before inspecting.
Contact the nearest Zerorez franchise for help if the solution doesn't work.
How to Get Rid of Chocolate Milk Smell Out of Carpet
After successfully fixing the chocolate milk stain, you may notice a foul smell in the same area after a few hours. Vinegar and baking soda are the two most common effective products for removing the smell of chocolate milk from the carpet.
Option One
- Mix 2 cups of lukewarm water with 1 tsp of Dawn or bleach-free washing detergent of your choice.
- Dip a sponge into the solution and dab the stinking area and then sprinkle 1 tsp of baking soda and let it sit overnight.
- In the morning, use a soft-bristled brush to clean the area and suck up excess baking soda using a vacuum.
Option Two
- Spray vinegar on the spot and allow to sit for 30 minutes
- Use white paper towels to blot the excess liquid and air-dry
- If the smell persists, it's time to contact our experts as we have odor treatments available.

How to Remove Hot Chocolate Stain on Carpet
- Paper towels/sponges/rags
- Dawn or other dishwashing soap
- Water
- Vinegar or lemon juice
- Blot the stain immediately using paper towels to absorb as much chocolate as possible.
- Rinse the area with cold water and apply a few drops of Dawn or other non-bleaching detergent.
- Let the detergent sit for 15 minutes and rinse with plain water
- Blot excess liquid with clean rags or paper towels
- Dip a sponge into vinegar or lemon juice and apply on the area to neutralize the smell
- Remove excess moisture using dry rags and allow to air dry
- Inspect and repeat the process if the stain lingers.
Otherwise, contact Zerorez for Insanely Clean Carpets® as we can get hot chocolate out of carpet!

How to Get Chocolate Ice Cream Out of Carpet: Fresh Chocolate Ice Cream
To remove fresh chocolate ice cream from the carpet, you need a spoon (or a dull knife), dry white clothes or paper towels, ammonia, liquid dish soap, water, and an old, clean toothbrush.
- Use the dull knife or the spoon to lift the chocolate ice cream out of the carpet fibers; be extra careful not to push it deeper.
- Combine Ā½ tsp of dish soap detergent and 1 cup of water.
- Dip a sponge into the solution and blot out the chocolate ice cream stain.
- If you notice any stain residue, dip a clean old toothbrush into the solution and use it to agitate the cleaning solution into the carpet fibers to dissolve the stain.
- Dip a clean cloth into plain water and rinse the area.
- Pat dry the area using white paper towels and let the area air dry completely for inspection.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
But, know that Zerorez can get chocolate ice cream stains out of carpet.

How to Remove Dried Chocolate Ice Cream from the Carpet
You need a spoon or dull knife, ammonia, water, borax, sponge/ microfiber cloth/paper towels, and non-gel shaving cream.
- Use the knife or spoon to scrape excess chocolate ice cream.
- Combine Ā½ tsp. of borax with 1 cup of cold water.
- Dip a clean sponge into the solution and blot out the stain using a circular motion, starting from the edges of the stained area and working inwards. Avoid applying excessive pressure lest the stain penetrate the fibers.
- Dip a clean rag in plain water and dab the area to rinse out stain residue.
- If you notice any dormant chocolate ice cream stain, apply a non-gel shaving cream to a clean toothbrush and gently rub the area to lift the stain.
- Dip a clean towel in plain water and rinse the area again.
- Combine Ā½ tsp. of ammonia and 1 cup of cold water if the stain lingers. Spray the solution on the area and use a clean cloth to blot out the stain completely. Ensure the room is well-ventilated when working with ammonia.
- Dip another cloth into plain water and thoroughly rinse the ammonia solution out of the area.
- Pat dry the area using paper towels or clean rags and run a fan to hasten the drying process to prevent mold growth.
How to Get Chocolate Pudding Out of Carpet
Pudding is delicious, but can be difficult to remove from your carpet. (See our video on the "residue test" to see how we remove pudding from carpets).
- Warm water
- Paper towels or microfiber cloths
- Ā¼ tsp. Dawn or any other clear dishwashing detergent of your choice
- Add Ā¼ tsp. of dishwashing detergent into 1 cup of warm water and put it into a bowl or a spraying bottle.
- Spray the solution to the stained area or dip a cloth into the solution and gently dab the affected area, working from outside in.
- Dip another clean cloth into plain water and dap the area again to remove detergent residue.
- Tap-dry the area using a towel or paper towels to prevent carpet-wicking.
- Allow good air circulation to hasten the drying process.
- If the stain is still there, repeat the process or contact us for professional carpet cleaning services. We remove stains, but we don't guarantee the removal of all stains due to factors such as the type of carpet fiber and the age of the stain.

Getting fresh and dry chocolate stains out of carpets can be tricky, but with the necessary tools and cleaning products, you can easily fix them. Never use any of the recommended products above to clean a chocolate stain before spot-testing it on an inconspicuous area!
When using commercially bought cleaning products, strictly follow the cleaning procedure on the label. If the stain lingers after trying the recommended solutions above, stop cleaning.
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