Why Dogs Pee on Carpets & Natural Ways to Stop It

A dog peeing on the carpet is common among pet parents. Dogs can pee on the carpet due to routine changes, medical disorders, excitement, stress, previous accidents' smell, environment change, and lack of potty training.

If you're a victim, you must be wondering how to keep a dog from peeing on the carpet.

You can stop a dog from peeing on carpet by training or retraining him, taking him outside, spraying a special repellent, or cleaning the carpet with a commercial cleaning solution that deters him.

This article discusses what keeps dogs from peeing on carpet, the causes of dog peeing on the carpet, and more!

brown dog sitting on a gray chair looking over the edge at dog pee on white carpet floor

What Causes Dogs to Pee on the Carpet?

Even professionally trained dogs and dog breeds that don't smell sometimes pee on the carpet for the following various reasons.

1. Improper Carpet Cleaning

Unprofessional cleaning leaves dog pee residue on carpets, which causes the dog to pee there repeatedly.

Dogs identify areas they have peed previously through the scent. The pee odor can remain in carpets for weeks if not removed during cleaning.

Your dog will pee there repeatedly until you correctly clean the carpet, completely removing the pee odor.

Experts like Zerorez® help clean the carpet professionally, leaving it spot free and pet odor free.

2. Anxiety

Anxiety causes dogs to pee on the carpet or anywhere else in your house. If you start scolding or shouting at your dog, he perceives you as a threat and pees on himself when you approach him.

Punishment or a loud sound also causes dogs to pee on themselves. When dogs are separated from you, family members, or other pets, they may suffer separation anxiety.

Other signs that your dog is suffering from anxiety include scratching, whining, barking, trembling and pacing, howling, sniffing, destructive chewing, and peeing in restricted areas.

Like stress/anxiety, dogs, especially younger ones, may pee on the carpet when excited.

Excitement and anxiety peeing is also known as submission urination. It occurs naturally in dogs. This is their way of proving they're submissive and 'don't deserve any punishment.' An animal behavioral trainer can help correct your dog's emotional problem.

3. Incontinence

Senior dogs and puppies may struggle to get to their potty on time, lose control of their bladder, and pee anywhere, including on the carpet.

4. Routine Changes

Dogs learn well through repetition. A slight change in their routine could confuse them, resulting in inconsistencies in proper toilet habits.

5. Medical Problems

Medical issues such as cognitive, urinary tract infections, kidney problems, and bladder dysfunction may negatively affect your dog's bladder control. Hormonal changes and loss of estrogen in female dogs also result in dogs peeing on the carpet.

Check with your veterinarian to see if your dog shows signs of an underlying health issue.

tan dog with a red collar sitting at the top of gray carpeted stairs

How to Stop Dog From Peeing on Carpet Naturally

Understanding the cause of the dog peeing on the carpet is critical in determining the right solution to stop the behavior.

Below are 9 ways to stop your dog from peeing on the carpet naturally.

1. Frequent Potty Breaks

It's necessary to give even the most disciplined dogs potty breaks, especially if they're more conversant with outdoor than indoor environments, to ensure they won't pee on the carpet.

Frequent potty breaks may also be helpful if your dog is unwell, has recovered from a serious health problem a day or two ago, or is undergoing training on how to use his potty correctly.

After a long outdoor session, encourage your dog to pee before going indoors.

2. Maintain Routine

Avoid making unnecessary changes to your dog's routine. If you must make any changes, keep an eye on him and guide him accordingly whenever he needs to relieve himself. Repeat until his mind has registered the new home routine.

3. Training/Retrain Your Dog

Training a dog where and when to pee is crucial in establishing excellent toilet behavior. Train him at a tender age for great results. Most dog-breed puppies are quick learners, so it will be easier to train them at this age than when they're adults.

For stubborn dog breeds, giving treats when they obey instructions is a great way to reinforce the behavior.

If your dog starts peeing on the carpet, don't get offended; retrain him. This is particularly crucial after a season of sickness, a change in environment, or a change in routine.

4. Crate the Dog

Crating the dog when you're away from home is a sure way of keeping him from the carpet and peeing on it, mostly crate puppies, senior dogs, and those with anxiety problems.

It's best (and if possible) to keep his potty next to the crater because the first thing he might want to do after attaining freedom is pee.

5. Keep an Eye on Your Dog

Keeping an eye on your buddy and issuing the necessary commands is crucial in intercepting his unpleasant toilet behavior.

If you're working away from home, install pet cameras that connect to your phone. Advanced models come with a microphone function that can help you issue timely commands to your pet, such as where to pee and when.

brown puppy sitting on a red rug in a white room in the hall - trying to get dog to stop peeing in the same spot on the carpet

6. Buy Reusable Diapers

You can buy reusable dog diapers or place several potties in different convenient places for senior and sick dogs.

7. Dog-Safe Carpet Spray

Use dog-safe carpet spray to naturally and safely discourage your dog from peeing on the carpet. You can also use an essential oil to keep dog from peeing on carpet.

Bitter apple extract, cayenne pepper extract, and citronella oils are natural products with an unpleasant smell, which deter dogs from urinating on carpets.

8. Natural Dog Repellent

Mix water (Ā½ cup), white distilled vinegar (2 tablespoons), and citrus fruit juice (20 drops) to make an excellent home remedy for dogs peeing on carpets.

Put the solution into a clean spray bottle, shake thoroughly, and spray a liberal amount on the spot he loves to pee on or the entire carpet (must be clean).

Dogs avoid strong scents such as those found in citrus juices and vinegar. These repellents safely and naturally repel your dog, keeping him away from the carpet.

9. Professional Carpet Cleaning

Most carpet cleaning professionals have the tools and cleaning solutions to remove dog stains and odors from carpets. Commercial carpet cleaning solutions containing lemongrass repel dogs, stopping them from soiling the carpet.

Zerorez offers residential and commercial carpet cleaning services. Our cleaning products treats dog pee odor and help your pet buddy from peeing on the carpet again. Schedule any cleaning service online today.

How to Stop My Dog From Going Back to Same Spot to Pee on My Carpet

Thoroughly clean the spot where your dog loves peeing to eradicate the scent. This makes him forget that he has previously peed in that area.

To be sure he is not going back there again to pee, spray a generous amount of orange and lemon juice (or juice from any other citrus fruits) on the spot. The strong scent of the citrus fruit juice discourages the dog from peeing on the sprayed area.

Which Is the Best Spray to Prevent Dogs From Peeing on My Carpet?

Make a dog-safe spray using citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges to mark territory for your dog, or get one from the nearest store. Citrus fruits have a strong scent that effectively deters dogs from peeing on the sprayed parts of the carpet.

See our other post for tips on removing dog pee from couches.


Why Does My Dog Keep Peeing on Carpet?

Your dog keeps peeing on the carpet for several reasons, as noted below.

How to Stop Dog Pee From Staining Carpet

Applying a stain-resistant carpet protector on carpets helps repel dog (and other) stains. These products have a stain-resistant coating that repels dog pee, making it easier to remove the stain.

Stain resistance works effectively on clean carpets.

Hiring a professional to clean the carpet before applying the product makes the stain resistant more effective in repelling stains.

A stain-resistant solution doesn't stop dogs from peeing on carpets, but it'll ease the cleaning job.

Zerorez Zr Wand cleaning dog pee on carpet in the foreground with a dog sitting on a modern gray upholstered chair in the corner

Do You Need Professional Carpet Cleaning?

Annual (or as needful) professional carpet cleaning excellently cleans the carpet fibers, and many professional have several professional treatment options for dog urine stains and odors.

Plus, professional cleaning increases the carpet's lifespan.

Zeroerz is the best carpet cleaner for pet spots and odors! We have several locations in the United States and offer affordable carpet cleaning services. Call 866-937-6739 for inquiries or schedule services online today.

Book a Cleaning with Zerorez Today!