Black Friday Prep Tips By ZerorezĀ® Phoenix

Black Friday- a holiday all on it's own in the midst of the mania. Theres nothing better than going out on the town after a delicious Thanksgiving meal, to indulge in some midnight madness deals!

With our bellies warm and full from all the turkey and stuffing, hearts filled with holiday joy. There's no better time to save the ultimate amount of money for the upcoming Christmas holiday, than at Black Friday sales.

So how can you ensure that you get the best deals this year? And use the best practice whilst running around department stores?

Have you not learned your lesson from last yearā€¦?

You know, when that lady tried to run you down with her shopping cart for the last apple watch on sale? Then later, leaving the parking lot and almost getting rear-ended three times just leaving the parking lot?

While yes, it's important to get "killer" deals, you also want to make sure you yourself aren't a "killer" in order to do so! Or anyone else for the matterā€¦

Let's make this a safe, and very efficient Black Friday. Simply follow these Black Friday Prep Tips by Zerorez to aid you on your dangerous scavenger hunt this yearā€¦

Prep Tip #1- Plan Ahead

First, and perhaps most important- make a plan. Make sure you have an idea of what you are looking to buy, and from what stores. You can do this by picking up local papers or signing up for email alerts for new deals on the store websites.

You could even just scoping out their websites to get a sneak peak of the Black Friday Deals!

Once you've taken a gander at the goods, so to speak, prepare a list! Whether on a note paper, sticky note that you will likely lose, or on your "notes" app in that IPhone you are about to replace with Black Friday dealsā€¦.

Write down all the deals you want to make sure to get, and from what stores. This will help you to avoid running around chaotic stores without knowing what you are looking for, potentially getting rammed down again by all those darn bargain shoppers.

Have a plan for what time you want to hit each store, and how long you want to stay in each store. This way you can make each trip as short or as long as possible. Ensure all your goodies are still available at the next store.

Even better, is finding a single store with all the Black Friday deals you're looking for. That way you are able to get all the deals you planned for in one place.

Every other trip to others stores that night will be to simple find surprise deals!

Prep Tip #2- Use the Buddy System

Let's be honest- no one likes to shop alone on Black Friday anyways right? What's the fun in that? Use the buddy system!

While you're all full to the brim from Turkey dinner, take a nap, and then plan to be out late! The early bird gets the worm, after all. Get your full bellies in line early or miss out!

The best part about the buddy system is the fact that you can be crazy with someone else, instead of alone like last yearā€¦

Being intentionally crazy is okay to do every once in awhile right?

Because if you aren't crazy during your bargain shopping, you will undoubtedly miss out on all the good stuff. You will end up running into that lady from last year who tried to run you over, and if you don't run her over this year, you're not getting that new IPhoneā€¦

Anyways, use the buddy system.. you and your best friend can trap that lady in between your carts and run for the last IPhone..

Prep Tip #3- Leave The Kids At Home

Trust us on this one- the battlefield of Black Friday is no place for kids. There are so many insane things that occur during a crazy sale in a department store.

Your kid could get lost or run over! And there is stranger danger everywhere.

Not to mention that it's midnight and, especially with younger kids, they will get exhausted before you're done shopping at the first store. Then you are faced with rough decisions:

  1. Take those whining, crying monsters back home and miss out on the other deals.
  2. Listen to the kids cry tiredly in all the stores while you attempt to snatch the goodies
  3. Never take the kids in the first placeā€¦

If the kids are older, then maybe you are less worried about them tired-crying. But perhaps more about the short patience of children- expect a lot of long tedious lines and more walking than their little feet can bare.

More walking and standing than our little feet can bareā€¦

You will likely hear:

"I'm bored."

"My feet hurt."

"Can we go home now?"

Just this once- leave the kids home!

Prep Tip #4- Consider Shopping Online

If you are one who lobes deals and bargains, but maybe not as big a fan of crowds and chaos?

Welcome to the beauty of the 21st Century- the world wide web. Indeed, most of the deals you will enjoy in stores, are available online! Whether it's at your favorite store such as Kohl's, Target, or Walmart- check online to avoid the hustle and bustle of Black Friday altogetherā€¦

You'll probably still have to pay for shipping though. But make sure to check out the Black Friday Codes and Deals database for all the best deals online!

Even consider shopping Black Friday deals on Amazon! If you have Amazon Prime, your worries about shipping costs will all flow away!

Prep Tip #5- Take The Road Less Travelled

Sometimes the best Black Friday deals occur on the roads less travelled. By this we mean- NOT Walmart, or Target. You know, places where you might get pummeled by carts and anxious bargain shoppers. Try more local stores to your areas, or just.. anywhere but Walmart.

Also- consider shopping at sotres you are already familiar with. Though some stores change the areas in which they place things. There are often thousands of bargain bins all over the place too. But at least you will know the general lay of the land and can navigate quicker than others.

Use a shopping bag or handheld cart instead of a push-cart (unless you are buying a new flat screen or couch). Using shopping bags/carts instead of push-carts have multiple benefits:

  1. You'll get an impressive arm work out from carrying all those bags!
  2. You can maneuver through the crowds easier with a giant cart.
  3. You can run faster without a cart!
  4. You can easily jump out of the way when that lady tries to run you over again.

You'll burn off all those extra calories you ate earlier that day during Black Friday Shopping! Sometimes taking the road less travelled, and doing the less traditional things, can help you get ahead in the bargain life.

Prep Tip #5- Do Your Research

These stores and big corporations really love to fool people during Black Friday. Do your research! You may think that flat screen tv, or new Macbook may be a Black Friday steal- but look again.

If some of the items on your Black Friday "Wish List" seem to be an awesome discounted price, double check. Perhaps at another store, that discounted price is the regular price at another store all year long. Therefore, skip waiting in lines for that item- get it another time!

You'd be surprised- some Black Friday deals aren't deals at all! Some items at one store, may be at a much higher "discounted price" than another stores's "discounted price". Check all your favorite stores for all the items on your Wish List- to ensure you are getting the best deal for your buck!

Prep Tip #6- Keep It Clean

So you just got back from Black Friday shopping with all your killer deals. And depending on what you purchased, you may need a good solid clean!

Perhaps you just bought some baby toys for your kids for Christmas? Be sure to clean off the new toy with Zerorez Zrā„¢ Water.

This way when it comes time to wrapping those gifts, they'll be all ready to go.

Did you happen to bring back a fresh find on a new couch? Then certainly you must have read our last article about Couches in your home!

As we mention in that article, it is always a good idea to clean a brand new couch! There is a very tricky outgassing process that can be very toxic to your skin, and the air you breath after a couch is manufactured!

Therefore it's always a smart idea to get your couch Zerorezified® after unpacking it for the first time. Better safe than sorry is what we always say!

In fact, it is undeiably the right way to go to clean any Black Friday product you've purchased! Between the manufacturer's process, and all the bargain shopper hands that touched those items tonight before you did? Woo-wee can you say GERMS?

Call Zerorez, and have a safe and practical Black Friday out there this year.


Book a Cleaning with Zerorez Today!